Tackers 2

Course Overview
This course aims to build on the fun participants had in Tackers 1, to progress their sailing skills.
Course Prerequisites
- Water confident
- 7-12 years-old
- Skills, knowledge and experience gained in Tackers 1.
Who should do this course?
This course is designed for participants who have completed Tackers 1.
Course Outcome
By the end of the Tackers 2 course, the participants will be able to:
- Get out of irons on their own
- Safely gybe the boat
- Correctly use the tiller extension
- Sail around a triangle course, including:
- Upwind – on a close hauled course tacking through the ‘no go zone’
- Downwind – with centerboard up
- Reaching – correct sail position
- Demonstrate a 360 and 720-degree turn
Participants will gain their Tackers 2 completion certificate.
- $425 for non-members
- $390 for SBSC / DSS Members. SBSC Members, use the discount code SBSCTDISCOUNT. DSS members please email admin@sandybaysailingclub.org.au to receive your discount code.
Cancellation is required in writing to admin@sandybaysailingclub.org.au.Refund amount:
More than 14 days prior to start date = Full Refund.
Less than 14 days prior to start date = 75% Refund.
If the Club cancels a Camp for any reason a full refund will be given.
Find out more
For more information about this course please contact admin@sandybaysailingclub.org.au
What’s next?
- What is an AS number?
When you register, you will be asked for an AS number. This is an Australian Sailing Number, and is required by the National Sporting Organisation.
It is free, and if you do not have one there is a link to register when you enrol in the training courses.
If you have one, or are not sure, there is also a link to look it up as well.
- My sailor is 7 years old, when is the right time to sign up?
The best time to learn to sail is an older 8, or 9. Sailors who sign up at this age learn at a faster rate, which helps improve confidence. Younger 8s or 7 year-olds often lack the group listening skills and on occasion the water confidence and independence necessary for a successful experience.
In general, if your sailor is the oldest sibling, or only child, wait until 8 or 9. If your sailor is a younger/youngest sibling AND is chomping at the bit having been on the sidelines for years… then 7 is a good age. And finally, keenness plays a major component – so the keener the bean, the earlier it is ok to start. The more nervous your child, the better it is better to wait!
- What if my Sailor is 12?
There are a few important factors to consider for 12 year-olds and unique combinations thereof to consider:
- Size (both height and kilos)
- Natural athletic ability / flexibility
- Keenness / desire to learn to sail
- Importance of social environment
In general, the Tackers program suits the smaller, athletic/flexible, keen, OR prioritise the skills over the social aspect
Our Family Learn to Sail & Surf programs are better for the Larger, Less Athletic, less keen OR those who prioritise the social environment over the outcome.
Generally speaking, the Tackers students graduate with a stronger skill-set, and the Family / Teen Learn to Sail students graduate with a stronger social network and/or improved comfort where it may have been lacking.
- What if my sailor has done the course before?
If it has been a while, it is worth repeating the course to build up the confidence of your sailor.
If you have completed the course somewhere else, it is worth re-enrolling in our Tackers 2 program, as it will introduce new sailors to the specific routine and safety considerations of sailing at Sandy Bay, as well as make sure each sailor has achieved the skill-set and technique we require for graduation.
If you are confident your sailor is ready for the next level, you may organise a private coaching session so that we can best assess the next step.
- Is my sailor ready for Tackers 2?
Despite learning “hard skills” in Tackers 1, we mostly base graduation off of the “soft skills” which include listening/group skills, comfort/confidence on water, completion of capsize/man overboard without panic, etc.
The reason being that there is time in Tackers 2 to seal the deal on the hard skills such as launching the boat, tacking, rigging, steering etc.
On rare occasions we will ask a sailor to complete Tackers 1, but more often than not we find that sailors who need a little extra time to pick up the skills benefit from repeating Tackers 2 instead.
How to Prepare
1. What to expect
Although it may be Spring or Summer, it’s also Hobart so we need to be prepared for all weather. We have indoor facilities, but please prepare your sailor to be outside in MOST weather conditions. A bit of rain… and we will be out & about!
The Learning Process – is different for everyone!
Sailing is a complex sport that has physical, mental and emotional challenges. Everyone learns at their own pace, and different elements click at different times.
No matter your young sailor’s aptitude and interest, every new sailor will face an emotionally challenging moment (e.g. nerves in a first wipe out, or the first “big breeze” day with waves). Our coaches are there to support your child and will raise any issues with you.
- What to Bring
Healthy Fuel – all sailors will need a healthy snack
Hydration – a reusable water bottle with a name label
Sun-Smart Gear – long sleeves, hat, sunnies, sun-cream
Get-Wet Gear – bathers, rashies, wetsuit, water-shoes (any close-toed shoes that can go in the water e.g. reef-walkers, crocs, wetsuit booties)
All-Weather Gear – non-cotton jumper, beanie and spray top/rain-jacket/poncho, change of warm clothes, TOWELL
Plastic Bag – to carry home wet gear!
3. Where to Meet
Meet on the front lawn at Sandy Bay Sailing club (the beach side of the building), you will see the brightly coloured sails!
SBSC is the perfect access point for an adventure on the Derwent. It is a family friendy venue, with beach, parks and play structures surrounding the club. There is no better vantage point to watch your budding sailor take flight! Located at the end of a dead-end drive off of Sandy Bay Road, it is a safe, low-traffic environment for children to roam and explore.
- Drop off and Pick up Policies
Sailors must be DRESSED and ready to go at the nominated start time. (Sometimes smaller people have a hard time negotiating wetsuits…)
The drop off window is NO EARLIER than 15 minutes before the nominated start time. This allows instructors to make sure all the safety equipment for the day is set up and organised.
Pick up window is until 15 minutes after the finish time.
**Sandy Bay Sailing Club members please email admin@sandybaysailingclub.org.au to receive your discount**
September 30th – October 3rd (9 am – 3 pm) 2024
Term 4 – Saturdays 9am – 12 pm
December 16th – 19th 2024 (9am – 3pm)